
Политическая аналитика

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[20] Классен, Скальник 1978:640

[21] Fried M. The Evolution of Political Society: An Essay in Political Anthropology. N.Y., 1967.

[22] Lloyd P. Conflict theory… p.32, Claessen H. I. M. Introduction, p.13, Kurtz D. V. Political anthropology… p/32, 34, 45

[23] Claessen H.I.M. Introduction. P.12

[24] White L. The science of culture. N.Y. 1949

[25] Steward J.H. Cultural causality and law // American anthropologist. 1949 Vol.51, p. 1-25

[26] Sahlins M.D. Social stratification in Polinesya. Seattle, 1958

[27] Orans M. Surplus//Human Organisation. 1966. vol. 25. p. 209

[28] Sahlins M.D. Political power… Adams R. The evolution… Carneiro R.L. A theory of the origin of the state//Science. 1970 N.169. p. 733-738

[29] Sahlins M. D. Stone age economics. Chicago, 1972. p.140

[30] Fried M. H. The state, the chicken and the egg, or, what came first? //Origins of the state. P.38

[31] Там же

[32] Service E.R. Origins of the state and civilization. N.Y., 1975. P. XI-XII, 290.

[33] Там же, стр. 16, 286, 307

[34] Cohen R. Introduction//Origins of the state… p.5.

[35] Там же, стр. 8

[36] Kottak C.P. Ecological variables in the origin and evolution of African states: The Buganda example//Comparative studies in society and history. Cambridge (Mass.), 1972. vil. 14, N.3; Winzler R.L. Ecology, culture social organization and state formation in Southeast Asia// Current Antropology. 1976 vol.17. p. 632-639

[37] Sanders W.T., Price B.J. Mesoamerica: the evolution of civilization; Stevenson R.F. Population and political systems in Tropical Africa. N.Y., 1968

[38] Carneiro R. A theory of the origin of the state. P. 87.

[39] Carneiro R. Political expansion as an expression of principle of competitive exclusion// Origins of the state. P. 207

[40] Claessen H.I.M. Introduction.p.10, Service E.R. Origins of the state and civilization. P.233,298

[41] Cohen R. Evolution, fission and the early state. P. 94-95

[42] Там же, стр. 112

[43] Там же, стр. 88

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